


  • I don't think news changes so much as the way it's reported has changed.

  • By the time I was writing The Cider House Rules, I thought you seem to work best when you begin with the last sentence. And once I know, like a piece of music, what it sounds like at the end where I'm going, I make a kind of road map in reverse back to the story should begin. So far that last sentence has never changed.

  • I see that ending and I write toword it. It's kind of waiting for me.

  • I could die at my desk doing this. I do suffer from the delusion that I will be able to write something until I die. That's my intentions, my hope.



Bloomberg:「2014年はどういう年になりそうですか?」Googleのエリック・シュミットさんにきいてみました、だそうです。「ロボットが犬の散歩を手伝う」だとか、「自動操縦の車が街を走る」なんてことは一言も言いませんが、ざっくりと、モバイル端末がスーパーコンピューターに繋がることで2014年もさらなるイノベーションがあるだろうと彼は見込んでます。また、遺伝子解析や薬学の分野でも大きな飛躍があるだろうと。僕が好きだったコメントは、彼がソーシャルメディアの成長を予測していなかったことをあげて素直に反省しているところです。失敗をすっきり認めるところがさわやかで面白いですね。リンク元はこちら。 http://www.bloomberg.com/video/ask-a-billionaire-eric-schmidt-s-2014-predictions-pmV~qd7qTeipbjKx6_wW1Q.html

  • The biggest change for consumers is going to be that everyone has a smart phone and the fact so people are connected to what is essentially a super computer which means whole new generations of application around entertainments, education and social life, those kinds of things.

  • The trend has been mobile was winning, it now won. More tablets and phones are being sold than personal computers. People are moving to this new architecture very fast.

  • The biggest disrupter that we are sure about is the arrival of big data and machine intelligence everywhere. So the ability to find people to talk specificly to them, to judge them to rank what they are doing beside their products changes every business grobally.

  • The biggest disruption that we don't really know what's gonna happen is probably in the generics area. The ability to have personal generics records and the ability to start gathering all gene sequencing in the places will wheel the discoveries cancer treatment and diagnostics comming next year.

  • Well, at Google, the biggest mistake that I made was not anticipating the rise of the social networking phenomina. Not a mistake we're gonna make again. I guess our defense is we're busy making many other things. But we should have been in area I take the responsibility for that.

  • Google is very much investing hiring grobally. We see strong growth all around the world with the arrival of Internet everywhere. It's all green in that sense from the stand point of the year.

  • Google benefits from the transitions from old industries, and shockingly even one thing is tough in a country because we have eternal investment based on advertising, it's smarter to move your advertisement from others to Google. So we win no matter industries are good shape or not, because people read our services. We are very proud of that.

  • The key limit of our growth is the relative inovation. How smarter we have clever, how can we get the new system deployed. We wanna do that the best we can.




BBCニュースから、そのレストランのシェフ、Ditte Jensenさんのインタビューの様子をどうぞ。

  • Ridiculousness of wasting food, while we have the people in the world sterving, that's just not right.

  • Rub & Stub is a food-waste concept restaurant based on Copenhagen takes excess food from the food industry and turn it into delicious meal.
    Rub & Stub は食品浪費をコンセプトにしたコペンハーゲンにあるレストランで、食品業者から余った食品をもらって美味しい料理を提供しています。

  • The restaurant started by me and a group of 8 to 9 young people who got together and talked about how we can minimize food wasting in Copenhagen.

  • In Denmark, they estimate that around half a million tons of food are thrown out every year.

  • A lot of food we get from the food industry is due to the expiry date. There's nothing wrong with the food, but we are only allowed to take the food that hasn't expired yet. And if there's only a couple of days left before it expires, we can freeze it and use it for another three months.

  • We are run by volunteers, almost. We are funded by a non-profit organization that runs three projects in Africa. So all of our profit goes to the projects ~~~~.

  • One of our big challenges is that every day at 5 o'clock before the restaurant is open, no mutter how good or cost, it's important here that we have to make delicous food that people will buy.

  • I read about it, about the idea behind using all of the food that they're selling, it's a very necessary idea. It's relevant in the time we live in now.

  • We actually come here for the idea to avoid wasting food. I think it's very good food at all. I think that's important.

  • I have no vision of Rub & Stub changing the world in any way. But I do hope that people stop and think about how they consume food. I also hope that we at some point ourselves unemployed, because that means that we have succeeded if there whould be no food that's delivered to us. That means that we have done something right.

